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We're closing submissions for now, but we'll be back this fall.
See you then!

How did your family react to you being a gay woman?

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Chelsea Gray
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Was there a time where you felt it would be a bad time to come out at work? Nobody at works knows I'm gay and it makes things challenging.

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Chelsea Gray
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I go to a catholic highschool so I am the only one on my team who is queer. I struggle to be myself and I don't have the confidence that I need to do what I want to do in life. Do you have any advice?

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Chelsea Gray
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Have any of your teammates looked at you differently after coming out? What advice do you have in terms of the best way to do so? (Telling individuals or as a group)

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How did you navigate telling your family and/or friends that you planned to get top surgery?

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Among your conservative teammates, did any of those friendships get BETTER after coming out? Like you felt closer bc they appreciated the real you? Or was it all bad?

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CeCé Telfer
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What advice would you give to a trans person who's worried about being able to engage in person with sport? I'm really enjoying the WNBA and would love to play even just for fun and fitness but it feels like I'm not welcome.

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CeCé Telfer
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i want to run in college, but going back to the closet might be hard. as a queer athlete, how did you manage your running/performance along with your queer identity?

Answered By:
CeCé Telfer
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I love high jump, but I probably won’t be able to compete as a woman even when I start HRT due to state bans on trans athletes. What can I do besides hope the bans get lifted?

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CeCé Telfer
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Did you come out while playing basketball? And were the coaches and players accepting??

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Matt Lynch
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What support systems are missing in collegiate/pro sports for both athletes and coaches to make more people feel accepted to be out and proud?

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Matt Lynch
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Who was the first head coach to offer you a job after you came out? Also, what’s your overall record versus this head coach? (If you’ve played against them).

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Matt Lynch
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Is it easier being out in a sport that is typically queer? I’m not sure if I should come out to my teammates, even though I know some/most are queer

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Emma Gee & Nikki Hiltz
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i’m trans non-binary and have been on hrt - i want to get back into sports but know that it’s tough because there’s usually only binary categories. any recommendations?

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Emma Gee & Nikki Hiltz
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When did you know when to come out to your teammates/friends? Were you nervous? How did you build up the courage?

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Emma Gee & Nikki Hiltz
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Any advice on having crush on my same sex teammate? Knowing if she’s queer, how it will affect team dynamic, etc?

Answered By:
Emma Gee & Nikki Hiltz
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I’m really struggling with a lot right now, coming out to my friends and some of my family but I’m terrified to come out to anyone in my sport. Playing tennis, basically everyone I’ve met is violently homophobic and genuinely wants queer people to not exist and I’m terrified. I know I'm going to lose all of my tennis friends and be isolated if I come out but if I keep hiding who I am my mental health keeps getting worse. I want to go pro but I can’t come out and because I can’t come out my mental health gets bad again and it makes my performance worse and it’s like a repeating cycle and I’m so lost I have no idea what to do. Tennis is my entire life but at the same time it feels like I picked the wrong sport because I have never met a single openly queer person and I feel so so alone. Any advice?

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Emma Gee & Nikki Hiltz
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My big fear with coming out is judgment and how the world will see me and think of me differently. How did you become more confident with yourself?

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Emma Gee & Nikki Hiltz
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My teammates often make jokes towards me that are homophobic or ostracizing, how do I approach them without making it seem like I am sensitive and can’t take a joke?

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Emma Gee & Nikki Hiltz
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I quit team sports before coming out 20 years ago because I was ashamed of my changing teenage body. As an adult, I’d like to play again but I am nervous. Where should I start?

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Emma Gee & Nikki Hiltz
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I’m having a lot of issues with connecting with my junior high school basketball team. Being the only queer girl makes me feel isolated and I can’t relate to everyone else, how do I feel less alone?

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Breanna Stewart
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I'm heading into college basketball, but I'm tired of hiding myself. What advice do you have on how to approach it? Should I test the waters out first and give it time? I am also rooming with fellow teammates.

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Breanna Stewart
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What do you do when you are on a co-ed team and the men are outwardly uncomfortable with other being gay/LGBTQ+?

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Breanna Stewart
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What’s your favorite part of being queer?

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R.K. Russell
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How were you able to come out to your parents? Most of my friends and teammates know, but I’m most scared to come out to them. Thank you 🤍

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R.K. Russell
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How do you handle being the only queer person on a team and being bullied or ostracized? How do I stay true to myself or protect myself?

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R.K. Russell
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How did you come out as queer to your friends? I don’t want the way that they think of me change, but I’m getting tired of hiding the fact that I’m queer, and feel like I’m lying?

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Ethan Haddox
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What's been the most formative moment in your athletic career as someone who is queer?

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R.K. Russell
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Will coming out improve my play on the court?

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Reed Jackson
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I’m coming out to my friends, but I’m still scared to come out to my teammates... I know they’re not homophobic, I’m just nervous...

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Noa Chang
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