I’m coming out to my friends, but I’m still scared to come out to my teammates... I know they’re not homophobic, I’m just nervous...


Hi Friend,

I know how you feel! Coming out in general can be a really scary process, and it’s natural to feel nervous to talk about who you are to people who you spend so much time with...If I can give you some words of encouragement, loyalty and trust are some of the most important values of any team. And you deserve to be loyal to who you are, and deserve to be able to trust that your team will have your back!

Noa Chang
they / them

is a graphic designer at UNINTERRUPTED. They’re about as far as you can get from a professional athlete, but were a varsity swimmer in high school, which gives them an absolutely unwarranted confidence about being a good swimmer, despite having not competed in almost ten years. They’d experienced more love and support after coming out as queer than they had their entire life, and hope more than anything to leave the world a better place than it was when they found it, since it’s largely done the same for them.