How did you come out as queer to your friends? I don’t want the way that they think of me change, but I’m getting tired of hiding the fact that I’m queer, and feel like I’m lying?


First off, I'm incredibly proud of you! These were feelings I had growing up, and it wasn't easy. There's no right or wrong way to come out—it's a deeply personal experience. I wish I'd done things differently when discovering my queerness but moving to LA and finding people who loved me for who I am made all the difference.

I started with a trusted few who embraced all of me, which empowered me over time. The key is in who you surround yourself with and seeing your queerness as the superpower that it is. You attract love by loving yourself first. Some people may not understand, and that's okay—it says nothing about you. Trans and queer people have always been leaders of positive change and we will continue to be advocates for learning and growing! We are superheroes, and you are a superhero.

Ethan Haddox
he / him

is a Designer at UNINTERRUPTED. He spent his childhood playing soccer, basketball, and baseball, but eventually discovered a deeper passion for the creative arts. While he no longer participates in sports recreationally (minus volleyball), his competitive spirit occasionally rears its head. He is now actively exploring his identity across various queer spaces, finding a chosen family within the LGBTQIA+ community. Living in this vibrant space has expanded his capacity for empathy and love for others as well as for himself.